Strategic Advantage

case study: Strategic repositioning of all-business class airline
Institution: warwick business school
A cute dog sticking his head out a travel bag on an airplane

Leveraging insights from a PEST, VRIO, and CVA analysis, could this boutique airline reposition themselves as the premier provider of pet-friendly transatlantic air travel?

Two professionally dressed people in a private airplane

This case study explores the opportunity for La Compagnie, a boutique airline, to capitalize on the rising demand for pet-friendly air travel. By leveraging its unique all-business class model, the airline can cater to a significant market gap, particularly as post-pandemic travel restrictions ease. The analysis outlines a strategic action plan, encompassing PEST and VRIO frameworks alongside a Customer Value Analysis, (CVA) to guide La Compagnie in establishing itself as a differentiated service provider within the competitive airline industry.



I look forward to connecting and welcome feedback on my portfolio, CV, or any insights you might have!