Financial Management

Financial Report: A Focused Analysis of Risk and Return of Two Convenience Food Companies
Institution: warwick business school

What can a CAPM, volatility, and beta evaluation reveal about the risk and return profiles for a client considering two potential senior vacancies at Greencore Group Plc and Premier Foods Plc?

This report evaluates the equity risk and return of Greencore Group Plc and Premier Foods Plc, providing insights for a client considering senior roles at both companies. Using publicly available data from June 2019 to June 2024, the analysis employs the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to assess required return rates based on stock returns, volatility, and beta. The report offers a high-level breakdown of the risk and return profiles of both companies, highlighting key differences in market sensitivity and investment stability. It concludes with tailored recommendations for the client, suggesting further analysis to support a well-rounded and informed decision regarding the potential opportunities at each company.



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