Organizational Behaviour

Writing sample: Organizational reframing of a high-growth start-up
Institution: warwick business school
A team in an office sitting around the table and looking at a post-it board

Can applying the Four-Frame Model to an organizational behavior issue provide more profound understanding to enhance leadership, develop HR strategies, and boost employee satisfaction?

view from the window of a cabin into a forrest

This report delves into the organizational challenges of a Spanish startup, highlighting issues rooted in its simplistic structure and a disconnect between management and employees. By applying Bolman and Deal's frameworks, the analysis pinpoints the need for stronger leadership and refined human resource strategies. These improvements aim to address communication gaps, boost employee motivation, and align individual goals with the company's objectives. Ultimately, the report provides actionable recommendations for enhancing leadership development and strategic human resource management to improve both organizational performance and employee satisfaction.



I look forward to connecting and welcome feedback on my portfolio, CV, or any insights you might have!